Saturday, May 22, 2010


Dinner was great and it was even better having a play date over to enjoy it with me. We go to the bedroom to play with some blocks as mommy cleans up the kitchen. When she is finished she tells us that its bath time. We run into the bathroom and find the tub already filled with bubbles and toys. She undresses us and we hop in the warm tub and play with the toys and bubbles for what seems like hours. Then mommy gets us out and dries us off and puts us in clean diapers and footed pajamas and then its off to bed with a bottle and a bedtime story. Sweet dreams she says as we settle in for a good nights sleep.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


I was lying in my crib pretending to be asleep as you peeked in on me. You made your way over to the changing table and opened up the drawer quietly as not to wake me. Pulling out a clean diaper and a clean t-shirt and white socks to match. You put the powder and and baby on the end of the table and creep out of the room for a moment. I can hear you in the kitchen making up a fresh bottle and then back down the hall you come. Peeking with one eye I see you walking over to my crib and leaning over to wake me up to start a wonderful day together and I greet you with a big hug because you make everyday wonderful.